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Reach new audiences and target markets

Direct Publishing Services have worked across small and large global companies over the last thirty years with a successful track record in digital and print publications.

We are dedicated to you and your business. From the very start of your project we are on hand to help and advise the best way forward to reach new target markets and increase your revenue.

We will explain everything clearly so you understand exactly what we do and discuss every process we take to make your business a success.

Reach New Audiences

Publishing Opportunities

Direct Publishing Services Ltd.

201 Whistler Court

Cezanne Road


WD25 9AY

07715 421569

07866 311817

Julie Miller

Brad Francis



If you are interested in any of the services provided by Direct Publishing Services, please call us to discuss your requirements.

Contact Details



Digital Bookazines

Direct Publishing Services can help you discover a whole new age, group, or specific target market.

  • Reach millions of potential customers worldwide.

  • Sell publications online with the
    biggest online publishing platforms.

  • Add videos, podcasts, infographics with links to specific content to increase your revenue.

Printed Bookazines

Print bookazines are a larger version of a magazine concentrating on a specific subject.


  • Use specific content to reach the right audience.

  • Increased pagination for better value.

  • Higher cover price to increase profits.

  • Distribute through retail stores worldwide.

  • Publish in multiple languages to reach new interest.

Commercial Opportunities

Direct Publishing Services will promote your content with our range of extra revenue streams.


  • Targeted advertising to select companies or suppliers.

  • Sponsorship from specific companies with specific interest in your content.

  • Syndication of specialised content to other publishers.

  • Licensing your material for others to use.

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